This is a very special party which is organized by Houk van Lier and friends. There is music all day and if you take some drinks and food to share you can have a picknick all day. The weather was beautiful and I played there with Frank and Dion.

Now I have to admit, I really had a hard time to do this job. I had to play the guitar through a mic and I am not used to that. The drums were so loud and I couldn't follow the bass, so I felt very unhappy during this gig. I know I shouldn't take this so seriously but still I can't help feeling the way I feel. For whom am I playing anyway ? I play to express myself and to have a great time with other musicians. Do I have anything to give ? During this gig I really doubt it.Now I was really touched by my girls who encouraged me as hard as they could, I know I love them very much and they love me whatever I do on that stage. And that's the most important lesson I learned that day.