maandag 16 september 2013

Noorderparkfestival 2013 - Annette Vogel

I had a great day at the Noorderparkfestival. It's a really nice festival in Amsterdam-Noord. I played together with JanPaul on violin and Florean on bass. We didn't rehearse together, so it was a bit tricky but I think we did a good job for now. Thanks for supporting me, I was nervous to do this gig but some people were really nice to me and made me feel good. I am still looking for jazzmusicians to play with, so if you are a jazz musician and you like my music, please let me know by email

woensdag 4 september 2013

Noorderparkfestival 2013

I am so excited to play next Sunday at the Noorderparkfestival in Amsterdam. Mick told me he unfortunality will be in the hospital at that date so I needed another bassplayer for this gig.  I found a very nice bassplayer, he's called Florean and he always playes with Joelle and the Skylab. I heard him playing in that band and I liked what he was doing. I am so happy he will play with me, we did just a rehearsel last Tuesday at his school and while we were playing I was really thinking about starting to compose songs with more space for improvisations and  more jazz in it. That's pretty hard to do since I never had guitarlessons, so I've send guitarist Mark Tuinstra a message and I am glad  he is willing to teach me.
So these days I am busy with my music, Fridaynight there will be another SWANnight , Saturday I will rehearse with JeanPaul , Sunday I have this gig at thelNoorderparkfestival, Monday guitarlesson from Mark and Tuesday recording with Mick and Frank.
See you !
