zondag 10 december 2017
Castricum, hometown of my grandpa.... and that's where i like to play!
woensdag 6 december 2017
Happier - Ed Sheeran acoustic cover
Hi folks, I am singing a lot in the kitchen with my daughter Annika (14), she likes songs of Adele and Ed Sheeran and. She is a good singer, she just needs to be encouraged that she can do it!
zaterdag 25 november 2017
Me and my singing daughter (14)
My daughter is 14 years old and when she was a very little girl she loved singing. Then, suddenly she didn't want to sing anymore since she was 10 years old. Since this summer, somehow, she decided to sing a song which I wrote and she performed this song. A lot of people really liked what she was doing and now she has the courage again! So I asked her she would sing songs of Adele and Ed Sheeran, because I know she likes that kind of music. We just have fun together but I am sure she is gonna perfom for audience very soon, she just needs to be encouraged.
donderdag 16 november 2017
Christmas CD release Radio Universe
Hi folks,
Days get shorter and the end of the year is almost there...
In March I was asked to write a song for a Christmas CD and so I did. You can listen to the song very soon, it's recorded at Radio Universe and I will make a clip of it.
Christmas CD event radio Universe
I am very busy with my work as a teacher, but also with my work as a musician.
I played at several places, but most important: I am rehearsing some covers of Ed Sheeran and Adele because my 14 years old daughter is a very good singer and she likes to sing these kind of songs.
She performed the songs for the very first time last weekend! So I am learning a lot :)
Also I did some nice gigs in Amsterdam; I told the audience about my musical life, so I sang "Suzanne" of Leonard Cohen and some Simon and Garfunkel stuff. Because my parents listened to that kind of music. I also sang many songs of myself. Anyway, still on the road and never stop playing :)) I like to share and hope you like what i am doing. Thanks so much for your supporting.
Days get shorter and the end of the year is almost there...
In March I was asked to write a song for a Christmas CD and so I did. You can listen to the song very soon, it's recorded at Radio Universe and I will make a clip of it.
Christmas CD event radio Universe
I am very busy with my work as a teacher, but also with my work as a musician.
I played at several places, but most important: I am rehearsing some covers of Ed Sheeran and Adele because my 14 years old daughter is a very good singer and she likes to sing these kind of songs.
She performed the songs for the very first time last weekend! So I am learning a lot :)
Also I did some nice gigs in Amsterdam; I told the audience about my musical life, so I sang "Suzanne" of Leonard Cohen and some Simon and Garfunkel stuff. Because my parents listened to that kind of music. I also sang many songs of myself. Anyway, still on the road and never stop playing :)) I like to share and hope you like what i am doing. Thanks so much for your supporting.
dinsdag 7 november 2017
No solution
I have a flu and I'm at home all day long. Lots of time to think. There is something I would like to tell because I decided something important.
It's taken years to understand myself; I suffer from compulsive thoughts and those are based on my great anxiety.
I thought I was over it for years but after my divorce, all my fears have returned, and much harder than ever. I really thought I was over it, because I have been working hard on my obsessions. A long time ago I've been in therapy for years, I wrote an autobiography and ... the most important thing...: when I was searching for who I really am I discovered deep insights like I've realized that my belief in my identity is based on untruth, my identity is not real.
After I realized that I imagine myself as an 'I' in a world of time and space, I experienced myself completely. There is no seperation between the observer and the observed.
From this completeness have to experience all what is. My compulsive thoughts came back and I cannot run from them. They make every new love relationship impossible. I have been looking for a solution again, but I just gave up.
My eyes were opened during a workshop at my work. There was a woman who reported that she was abused in her youth and she told her story from an emotional distance. Many people in the public had to cry for her. I thought to myself: this woman tells her story endlessly. She repeats her past, she tells and she tells, and so she shares her being.
It's the solution itself. The past will always repeat itself.
It's what I am. A deeply conditioned being, regardless of being seen, is conditioned as a foolish machine, handed over to the power of faith in time and space. Because otherwise, I was not here.
Endlessly admit to repeat what is not understood, and endless sharing with others who may put an arm around a shoulder is, in my opinion, the only option. The other solution is to put an end to it physically.
I'll choose Option 1 for the time being. I choose option 1 for I am a mother of two beautyful daughters. With a lot of pain in my heart I am gonna tell my story again and again and again. So be it. Please don't leave me alone.
DUTCH TRANslation-----
Ik heb griep en ben de hele dag dus thuis. Veel tijd om na te denken. Er is iets wat ik graag kwijt wil en dat is dat ik ineens iets belangrijks inzie.
Ik heb er jaren over gedaan om mezelf te begrijpen; ik lijd aan dwanggedachten en die zijn gebaseerd op mijn grote verlatingsangst.
Na mijn scheiding zijn al mijn angsten teruggekomen, en heftiger dan ooit. Ik moet bekennen dat ik dacht dat ik er van af was. Ik ben jaren in therapie ben geweest, ik heb een autobiografie geschreven en... het allerbelangrijkste: ik ben gaan inzien dat mijn geloof in mijn identiteit gebaseerd is op onwaarheid. Dat wat ik werkelijk ben is bewust zijn. Letterlijk bewust zijn. Dit in te zien is gebaseerd op ervaring, dat wil zeggen: ik kan onmogelijk spreken over zoiets als 'Zien' als daar geen ervaring in zit (al kan dat Zien zichzelf niet zien, zoals het oog zichzelf niet kan zien).
Nadat ik heb ingezien dat ik mijzelf verbeeld als een 'ik' in de wereld van tijd en ruimte, ben ik mijzelf compleet gaan ervaren.
Vanuit deze compleetheid ervaar ik nu het naarste van het naarste. Mijn dwanggedachten nemen momenteel het leven van mij over en maakt iedere nieuwe liefdesrelatie onmogelijk. Ik heb jaren gezocht naar een oplossing, en vooral de laatste tijd. Maar ik heb dat opgegeven.
Mijn ogen werden geopend tijdens een workshop op een studiedag van mijn werk. Er was een vrouw die vertelde dat zij in haar jeugd mishandeld was en zij vertelde dit van af een afstand. Veel mensen in het publiek moesten huilen, zij huilden als het ware mee met dat kind van vroeger dat zo miskend was. Ik dacht bij mezelf: deze vrouw vertelt haar verhaal eindeloos. Zij herhaalt haar verleden, zij vertelt en zij vertelt, en zo deelt zij haar Zijn.
En ineens weet ik het: Het is de oplossing zélf. Het verleden zal zich steeds herhalen, en het is niet anders.
Het is wat ik ben. Een diep geconditioneerd wezen, ongeacht dat gezien wordt dat het geconditioneerd is als een gewilloze machine, overgeleverd aan de macht van het geloof in tijd en ruimte. Want anders was ik hier immers niet.
Het eindeloos toegeven aan het herhalen van dát wat niet begrepen wordt, en het eindeloos delen met anderen die misschien een arm om de schouder leggen, is wat mij betreft de enige optie. De andere optie is om er fysiek een einde aan te maken.
Ik ga voorlopig voor optie 1. Want ik ben moeder van twee prachtige dochters. Met veel pijn in mijn hart ga ik er maar weer voor. Gewoon mijn verhaal vertellen. Gewoon naar een ordinaire psycholoog die er voor gekozen heeft te luisteren naar de ellende van een 'ander'. Want een oplossing... nee daar geloof ik niet meer in. Er zit wel weer veel materiaal in voor een nieuw nummer :)
Blue Rain is er eentje.
It's taken years to understand myself; I suffer from compulsive thoughts and those are based on my great anxiety.
I thought I was over it for years but after my divorce, all my fears have returned, and much harder than ever. I really thought I was over it, because I have been working hard on my obsessions. A long time ago I've been in therapy for years, I wrote an autobiography and ... the most important thing...: when I was searching for who I really am I discovered deep insights like I've realized that my belief in my identity is based on untruth, my identity is not real.
After I realized that I imagine myself as an 'I' in a world of time and space, I experienced myself completely. There is no seperation between the observer and the observed.
From this completeness have to experience all what is. My compulsive thoughts came back and I cannot run from them. They make every new love relationship impossible. I have been looking for a solution again, but I just gave up.
My eyes were opened during a workshop at my work. There was a woman who reported that she was abused in her youth and she told her story from an emotional distance. Many people in the public had to cry for her. I thought to myself: this woman tells her story endlessly. She repeats her past, she tells and she tells, and so she shares her being.
It's the solution itself. The past will always repeat itself.
It's what I am. A deeply conditioned being, regardless of being seen, is conditioned as a foolish machine, handed over to the power of faith in time and space. Because otherwise, I was not here.
Endlessly admit to repeat what is not understood, and endless sharing with others who may put an arm around a shoulder is, in my opinion, the only option. The other solution is to put an end to it physically.
I'll choose Option 1 for the time being. I choose option 1 for I am a mother of two beautyful daughters. With a lot of pain in my heart I am gonna tell my story again and again and again. So be it. Please don't leave me alone.
DUTCH TRANslation-----
Ik heb griep en ben de hele dag dus thuis. Veel tijd om na te denken. Er is iets wat ik graag kwijt wil en dat is dat ik ineens iets belangrijks inzie.
Ik heb er jaren over gedaan om mezelf te begrijpen; ik lijd aan dwanggedachten en die zijn gebaseerd op mijn grote verlatingsangst.
Na mijn scheiding zijn al mijn angsten teruggekomen, en heftiger dan ooit. Ik moet bekennen dat ik dacht dat ik er van af was. Ik ben jaren in therapie ben geweest, ik heb een autobiografie geschreven en... het allerbelangrijkste: ik ben gaan inzien dat mijn geloof in mijn identiteit gebaseerd is op onwaarheid. Dat wat ik werkelijk ben is bewust zijn. Letterlijk bewust zijn. Dit in te zien is gebaseerd op ervaring, dat wil zeggen: ik kan onmogelijk spreken over zoiets als 'Zien' als daar geen ervaring in zit (al kan dat Zien zichzelf niet zien, zoals het oog zichzelf niet kan zien).
Nadat ik heb ingezien dat ik mijzelf verbeeld als een 'ik' in de wereld van tijd en ruimte, ben ik mijzelf compleet gaan ervaren.
Vanuit deze compleetheid ervaar ik nu het naarste van het naarste. Mijn dwanggedachten nemen momenteel het leven van mij over en maakt iedere nieuwe liefdesrelatie onmogelijk. Ik heb jaren gezocht naar een oplossing, en vooral de laatste tijd. Maar ik heb dat opgegeven.
Mijn ogen werden geopend tijdens een workshop op een studiedag van mijn werk. Er was een vrouw die vertelde dat zij in haar jeugd mishandeld was en zij vertelde dit van af een afstand. Veel mensen in het publiek moesten huilen, zij huilden als het ware mee met dat kind van vroeger dat zo miskend was. Ik dacht bij mezelf: deze vrouw vertelt haar verhaal eindeloos. Zij herhaalt haar verleden, zij vertelt en zij vertelt, en zo deelt zij haar Zijn.
En ineens weet ik het: Het is de oplossing zélf. Het verleden zal zich steeds herhalen, en het is niet anders.
Het is wat ik ben. Een diep geconditioneerd wezen, ongeacht dat gezien wordt dat het geconditioneerd is als een gewilloze machine, overgeleverd aan de macht van het geloof in tijd en ruimte. Want anders was ik hier immers niet.
Het eindeloos toegeven aan het herhalen van dát wat niet begrepen wordt, en het eindeloos delen met anderen die misschien een arm om de schouder leggen, is wat mij betreft de enige optie. De andere optie is om er fysiek een einde aan te maken.
Ik ga voorlopig voor optie 1. Want ik ben moeder van twee prachtige dochters. Met veel pijn in mijn hart ga ik er maar weer voor. Gewoon mijn verhaal vertellen. Gewoon naar een ordinaire psycholoog die er voor gekozen heeft te luisteren naar de ellende van een 'ander'. Want een oplossing... nee daar geloof ik niet meer in. Er zit wel weer veel materiaal in voor een nieuw nummer :)
Blue Rain is er eentje.
zaterdag 7 oktober 2017
radio Podium 107.1 The Netherlands
Today I went to Woerden, a small town in the middle of Holland, for a live radio show. I took Mario and my youngest daughter with me. The whole show you can listen right here, the interview is in Dutch though. Had a nice day today :)) a short version you can watch right here:
Goodnight! XXX
The whole show you can listen here: Listen h
Goodnight! XXX
The whole show you can listen here: Listen h
zaterdag 30 september 2017
Radio Woerden Podium 107... next week...
Volgende week ga ik weer naar Maarten, de man van Radio Woerden. Zin in. Leuke mensen, goed geluid, professioneel radioprogramma.
En... Annika gaat mee!
Ik was er voor het laatst in november 2016 en hier kun je een live interview horen (en live muziek natuurlijk) over mijn werk als groepsleerkracht, schrijfster van mn 2 boeken en natuurlijk music...
En... Annika gaat mee!
Ik was er voor het laatst in november 2016 en hier kun je een live interview horen (en live muziek natuurlijk) over mijn werk als groepsleerkracht, schrijfster van mn 2 boeken en natuurlijk music...
Mijn dochter Annika gaat volgende week mee de studio in! Ze zal mijn Nederlandstalig liedje WIETSE WIETSE MET JOU WIL IK FIETSE gaan uitvoeren! Hieronder zingt ze hem op Schiermonnikoog.
Tot slot hier nog een filmpje van een verslag van de vorige keer toen we naar Woerden gingen.
dinsdag 5 september 2017
RECENSIE CheckPoint Charlie Amsterdam
Click here for: live optreden Charlie Checkpoint
I received this great critique from Ellen de Wolf, Amsterdam. In English: scroll down!
I received this great critique from Ellen de Wolf, Amsterdam. In English: scroll down!
Annette Vogel op zondag 27 augustus 2017 in Café Checkpoint Charlie, Amsterdam
Het was een mooie zomerse zondag en tijdens een fietstocht in het prachtige licht van de namiddag zon, besloot ik naar het optreden van Annette Vogel in Café Checkpoint Charlie te gaan.
Annette heb ik in 2012 leren kennen als singer-songwriter. Ze trad op in de Noorderparkkamer in Amsterdam Noord en bood daar als initiator tevens een podium aan diverse andere muzikanten, bekend als SWAN. En dat doet ze, ondanks allerlei andere muzikale avonturen, nog steeds.
Ik had haar al jaren niet gesproken of gezien, laat staan horen en zien optreden. Via Facebook zag ik tot mijn genoegen dat ze nog steeds actief in de muziek is en regelmatig optreedt op uiteenlopende locaties in het land. Ik was nieuwsgierig geworden en die nieuwsgierigheid werd zeer aangenaam bevredigd. Frontvrouw Annette speelde met haar vaste basgitarist Mario Kaspers, een topper (kan hij ook zingen?), waarmee ze een (vruchtbaar) duo vormt en met, voor deze gelegenheid, de percussionist Tom Vos op cajon (zo'n heerlijke boxje, mits goed bespeeld en dat werd het!).
De prettige drive en het tempo wat het drietal in geluid voortbracht verraste mij. De ritmesectie deed de zang en het spel van Annette zonder meer goed en ik was verbaasd over de groei van haar stem en gitaarklanken, waarbij complexe overgangen en inventieve bruggetjes niet werden geschuwd. Het (mij vaak te) lieflijke en onschuldige heeft ruimte gemaakt voor kracht en een lekkere (heart)beat. Inderdaad: “Cut the crap!” (titelsong van de in juni 2016 uitgebrachte cd), meer balls! Goed ook dat niet alle liedjes van begin tot eind “vol gezongen” werden. Gelukkig, en terecht, is er nu lucht voor drum en bas in mooi samengesmolten instrumentale periodes, die wat mij betreft een groter aandeel mogen hebben. Ik voelde me daarbij soms licht als een “Formless Creature”, ook een van Annette's songs. En van het in deze samenstelling uitgevoerde “Irish girl in Paris”, waarin Annette de tijd nam haar stem prachtig neer te zetten, raakte ik tot tranen toe geroerd. Dit liedje staat. Zonder een vorm van haast of ongeduld die ik soms wel eens in Annette bespeur. Overigens bij deze een compliment aan de man achter de geluidsknoppen.
Ik heb hierdoor niet alleen een heel fijne middag beleefd. Thuis heb ik via internet nog even geluisterd naar de muziek die Annette samen met violiste Jannet Fink heeft gemaakt. Ook het Keltisch aandoende “Thunder and Lightning” bekoort mij en past heel goed bij haar klankkleuren.
Annette heeft weer koers gezet. Ik ben benieuwd wat deze kleurrijke, muzikale tocht haar en haar partner(s) gaat brengen.
Ellen de Wolf, Amsterdam
Speeldata september 2017:
8 september - Meevaart, Balistraat, Amsterdam Oost voorprogramma Jampot Session
10 september - Druivenkwekerij ZH Nieuw Tuinzicht, Den Hoorn 14.00 uur
15 september - Salon 1813, Apeldoorn 18.00 uur
16 september - Café Hermes, Amsterdam, 17 uur
24 september - H/earth , Albert Cuyp 208, Amsterdam 20.00 uur
Annette Vogel on Sunday, August 27, 2017 at Café Checkpoint Charlie, Amsterdam
It was a beautiful summer sunday and during a bicycle ride in the beautiful light of the afternoon sun, I decided to go to Annette Vogel's performance at Café Checkpoint Charlie.
I met Annette in 2012 as a singer songwriter. She performed at the Noorderpark in Amsterdam North and she also offered a stage to other musicians, the stage is known as SWAN.
I had not spoken or seen her for years. Via Facebook, I was pleased to see that she is still active in music and she performs regularly at various locations in the country. I was curious and that curiosity was very pleasantly satisfied. Front Lady Annette played with her solid bass guitarist Mario Kaspers, a topman (can he sing too?), Which she forms a (fruitful) duo and, for this occasion, the percussionist Tom Vos on cajon (such a delicious box, if good played and that became it!).
The pleasant drive and the pace that brought the three into sound surprised me. The rhythm section perfectly smoothed Annette's song and game and I was amazed at the growth of her voice and guitar sounds, with complex transitions and inventive bridges not being shunned. The sweet and innocent has made room for strength and a nice heart beat. Indeed, "Cut the crap!" (Title song of the CD released in June 2016), more balls!
Okay, not all songs from start to finish became "full sung". Fortunately, and rightly so, there is now air for drum and bass in beautifully fused instrumental periods, which in my opinion may have a bigger share. I sometimes felt light like a "Formless Creature", also one of Annette's songs. And of the "Irish girl in Paris", in which Annette took the time to put her voice beautifully, I was stirred for tears. Without a form of rush or impatience that I sometimes notice in Annette, is this her most strong song. Incidentally, a compliment to the man behind the sound buttons.
I have not only experienced a very nice afternoon. At home, I listened to the music that Annette made with Jannet Fink, violinist. The Celtic-like "Thunder and Lightning" also enjoys me and fits well with her sound colors.
Annette has taken a new course. I am curious what this colorful musical journey will bring her and her partner (s).
(google translate)
Performance dates September 2017:
September 8 - Meevaart, Balistraat, Amsterdam East pre-program Jampot Session
September 10 - Grape nursery ZH Nieuw Tuinzicht, Den Hoorn 14.00
September 15th - Salon 1813, Apeldoorn 18.00
September 24th - H / earth, Albert Cuyp 208, Amsterdam 20.00
zondag 27 augustus 2017
going to September...
One more week and then school will start again. This year is gonna be a busy year because as you know i am a schoolteacher, i love my work, but i also love to make music, so i am gonna be a hard working girl.
this month we had a lot of unexpected gigs. First of all my busking project. I already miss it. In Amsterdam it's very difficult to make music in the streets. You can't play in the centre, you can on Damsquare, though, but it's hard to find a good spot for me. I need a small street with a good acoustic because i don't use a gear or cube or something...
But there are some nice gigs planned in september, and i just came home from some nice musically adventures.
Like camping Bakkum! Most famous camping of Holland. Like a little town, full of people from Amsterdam and surroundings... The campside has this really good restaurant and that's where we played. Thanks to Tony Daudey, he really rocks!
this month we had a lot of unexpected gigs. First of all my busking project. I already miss it. In Amsterdam it's very difficult to make music in the streets. You can't play in the centre, you can on Damsquare, though, but it's hard to find a good spot for me. I need a small street with a good acoustic because i don't use a gear or cube or something...
But there are some nice gigs planned in september, and i just came home from some nice musically adventures.
Like camping Bakkum! Most famous camping of Holland. Like a little town, full of people from Amsterdam and surroundings... The campside has this really good restaurant and that's where we played. Thanks to Tony Daudey, he really rocks!
Then we went to Castricum again, this time to play at café De Bakkerij. We took Tom with us on cajon. We had a very good sound upthere, thanks to Joeri, a young guy who programms the café. I really enjoyed it, because it was our first performance with Tom. He did a great job. My songs may sound easy, but actually they are a little bit complicated :)
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With Tom on the cajon in Castricum/ De Bakkerij |
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on our way back home |
Today we played at this café called Checkpoint Charlie. Nice café, nice people. Not many people showed up because of the weather and we already expected this. However some good friends came to listen and we did a good job. Second performance with Tom, who plays already 20 originals with us. Isn't that great :))
In september there are some more gigs to play, hope to meet you there, somewhere somehow some day.... XXX
24 september = H/earth , Albert Cuyp 208 / Amsterdam /aanv. 20 uur
15 september - Salon 1813 / Apeldoorn / 18.00 uur
10 september - Druivenkwekerij ZH Nieuw Tuinzicht/ Den Hoorn / aanv. 14 uur
8 september - Meevaart Amsterdam OOst / voorprogramma Jampot Session
woensdag 23 augustus 2017
maandag 21 augustus 2017
Travelling around and busking! Streetmusic and beggars...
Hi Folks,
This is a really special edition of my life.
It's been half a century ;) that i have been travelling, hitch hiking, living from music... I was really young then...
But this summer I did it again! I was really really surprised that many people liked what i was doing.
It took me a few months to think about this adventure, I was not sure I could do this after so many years.
It just happened to me because I bought a trainticket to Avignon from Amsterdam for only 50 euros but for this ticket i had to travel on Saturday. I had to be on Wednesday in Spain, though, to pick up my daughters, so I was too early. Then I decided to take my guitar and play in the streets from that Saturday untill Wednesday. Some of my friends stimulated me to do this, I was a bit nervous but it worked out great.
I decided to focus on the music and just sit down in small streets and sing.
I was surprised many people liked what i was doing. From young people to old people. From rich to poor.
Yes, after only one day I knew almost every beggar and artist in the centre of Avignon. And they knew me.
And yes, I know the life of beggars is though, I have been there, you kow.
Still, the atmosphere was really great and beggars and the addicted where really really nice to me. They gave me coins or thumb ups, and yes, I had to do this. I HAVE to do this. I don't know why, but it's my life. I sang in the streets when i was young and i travelled like a gipsy and i survived this really though life, it's all about surviving.
But now i am older and i have children and i have a home and a job. So its different. Still, i feel everyday i can loose everything i love and i can loose every security of my life.
I just need a guitar. And sing.
The French like my voice, thank god, and the Spanish had to get used to it for half an hour and then they started to appreciate...
I sing old songs, I sing with a really high voice, it sounds a bit like Joan Baez. I sing folk, simon and Garfunkel, Sandy Denny, that kind of stuff. I can live from the money people give me.

More important is that i could teach my daughters how life works in the street. They saw how their mother sang in the street and how people reacted. How really poor people contact me.... How really poor people can be nice untill 3 pm. After that it's gonna be different, because many beggars start to get drunk or something... But still... it depends on the person. There are nice people, there are stupid people. Most of the time not dangerous. Be clear, be honest.
Yes, I learned a lot, this summer and I am excited about it.
This is a really special edition of my life.
It's been half a century ;) that i have been travelling, hitch hiking, living from music... I was really young then...
But this summer I did it again! I was really really surprised that many people liked what i was doing.
It took me a few months to think about this adventure, I was not sure I could do this after so many years.
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Figueras, Spain |
I decided to focus on the music and just sit down in small streets and sing.
I was surprised many people liked what i was doing. From young people to old people. From rich to poor.
Yes, after only one day I knew almost every beggar and artist in the centre of Avignon. And they knew me.
And yes, I know the life of beggars is though, I have been there, you kow.
Still, the atmosphere was really great and beggars and the addicted where really really nice to me. They gave me coins or thumb ups, and yes, I had to do this. I HAVE to do this. I don't know why, but it's my life. I sang in the streets when i was young and i travelled like a gipsy and i survived this really though life, it's all about surviving.
But now i am older and i have children and i have a home and a job. So its different. Still, i feel everyday i can loose everything i love and i can loose every security of my life.
I just need a guitar. And sing.
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on my way to Spain ( Port Bou) |
I sing old songs, I sing with a really high voice, it sounds a bit like Joan Baez. I sing folk, simon and Garfunkel, Sandy Denny, that kind of stuff. I can live from the money people give me.

More important is that i could teach my daughters how life works in the street. They saw how their mother sang in the street and how people reacted. How really poor people contact me.... How really poor people can be nice untill 3 pm. After that it's gonna be different, because many beggars start to get drunk or something... But still... it depends on the person. There are nice people, there are stupid people. Most of the time not dangerous. Be clear, be honest.
Yes, I learned a lot, this summer and I am excited about it.
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Sorya, a beautiful girl of the street |
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Perpigna, i met this great singer of the band "Lazzy Bird" |
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Lazzy Bird @Perpignan |
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Bonjour! |
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little old Spanish men who liked to play my guitar |
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Children who listened to my music |
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a nice woman who asked me to sing 'Suzanne" for her |
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some people liked to be on a photo with me |
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on Place Pie, Avignon. First coffee! |
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Like the old times... counting and paying with little coins You can watch me here, singing in the streets:Blackwaterside |
vrijdag 4 augustus 2017
Summertime at Schiermonnikoog (little island at the north of Holland)
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Me and Mario on Dutch television |
I just came back from the isle of Schiermonnikoog!
A lot has happened up there!
I organized for the 4th time this little nice festival, called SchierSong Fest. This event takes a lot of positive energy, since I only play non commercial and with musicians who love music more then money. All information about this festival you can find here: SchierSong Festival
After a year of hard work, my vacation started two weeks ago at the radio / tv show of Omroep Friesland. Mario came with me.
I really wanted to play my Duth song "Wietse with you, I'm cycling" just because it's a good song and because it's about my first love on the island of Schiermonnikoog.
It's a new song, so I was really nervous. But it went well. After that we played also some other songs.
The recording can be viewed and listened here: WIETSE WIETSE! @Omroep Friesland
After that, I traveled to Schiermonnikoog, where I had to work on all preparations to programm the 9 songwriters at different places.
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Me and Mario on the terrace of Bootshuis |
Highlight of the festival is Saturday evening and Sunday evening: then we all play three of our own songs at the campsite (Seedune) and on the beach (Pavilion Paal 3). At the campside it'w also an open mic and we had some good musicians there that night! Paal 3 was also really crowded and we had this great jam at the end of the night.
It is so nice that many islanders cooperated wtih me to succes this festival! Especially thanks to Rolald (Berkenplas) Jeppe (Paal 3) and Ronald (camping Seedune) , And the musicians were very good in shape! Without their voluntary contribution this festival couldn't take place. We all had a great time this summer. So next year we will be back for the 5th time!
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with my daughter Annika at camping |
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Annika singing WIETSE |
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Invited by owner Gilles to play on his terrace |
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House concert with guest cajon player Dennis |
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We started outside but then it began to rain.... |
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Paviljoen Paal 3 Sunday night |
When the weekend was over, I was invited to play on the terrace of a hotel where I used to stay when I was ZERO years ... :))) That's because my mother was born on the island and she took me every summer to Schiermonnikoog.
My Schiermonnikoog holiday is over now . But tomorrow will start a thrilling journey .... I keep my mouth shut ... but I'll keep you posted!
See you soon!
Annette XXX
One week and then... summertime!
Heading for Schiermonnikoog, SchierSongFEstival! But first:
Castricum, in the centre of the town I will play with Mario a set round 6 PM. on Saturday July 15th.
And next gig will be at Café Genieten in Amsterdam-Oost at a nice restaurant. I will play there solo and sing some covers I didn't play for years.... some Sandy Denny songs and some Simon & Garfunkel songs... and ofcourse some own songs. I will play at this restaurant next Tuesday, July 18th.
On Friday Juli 21 I will take the train to Leeuwarden, north of Holland, to do this radio/ TV show and then... me and Mario will take the boat to Schiermonnikoog for the SchierSong Festival. Yes!
Last weeks I had some really nice gigs, like the Festival at Nieuwegein, really enjoyed that one :) Good weather, nice people, good sound...
One week and then... summertime!
Heading for Schiermonnikoog, SchierSongFEstival! But first:
Castricum, in the centre of the town I will play with Mario a set round 6 PM. on Saturday July 15th.
And next gig will be at Café Genieten in Amsterdam-Oost at a nice restaurant. I will play there solo and sing some covers I didn't play for years.... some Sandy Denny songs and some Simon & Garfunkel songs... and ofcourse some own songs. I will play at this restaurant next Tuesday, July 18th.
On Friday Juli 21 I will take the train to Leeuwarden, north of Holland, to do this radio/ TV show and then... me and Mario will take the boat to Schiermonnikoog for the SchierSong Festival. Yes!
Last weeks I had some really nice gigs, like the Festival at Nieuwegein, really enjoyed that one :) Good weather, nice people, good sound...
maandag 26 juni 2017
shit happens to be out cool...
Okay than...
It was really hard last weekend... sometimes I suffer from a Crazy Man Michael-disease, what means that I am sometimes very obsessed and I can't get out of my obsessed thoughts and emotions. It's bringing me to a low level of conciousness, I have sometimes a great fear of being abandoned, and that fear makes me crazy sometimes. (btw, the song Crazy Man Michael is written by Richard Thompson/ Fairport Convention, one of the greatest songs I know)
I had this gig at a nice place, pretty famous in Amsterdam, small bar, people go there eat and drink before they go to a show. I had to play there all by myself and it was a long time ago I did this. I felt really insecure and had a bad stomach.
I called my best friend to support me but then I lost contact because I have a new phone and during the conversation I accidentally disconnected. I forgot my new PIN so I could not call him back.
I was sitting alone at a table and I was searching in my little bag for a small piece of paper with my fucking pin on it, but couldnt find it. I felt a bit... desperate.... but then.... I let it all go. I thought: okay, I'm going to play my songs and I will do my best although I feel very lonesome right now.
And when I looked up , a friendly man came sitting next to me. He smiled and said, "I'm coming especialy for you."
And that was my mercy.
He was a man who is a barkeeper from a big cafe in Amsterdam and I recognized his face because I played there a few times last year. We talked a bit and he stayed and listened to my songs. We talked again when I took a short break, and it was really nice and he was very relaxed.
After the gig he informed me that I could perform somewhere and I really thought : wow this I'd never expected. Sometimes you feel miserable and you give up every effort to try to make it better and then suddenly there is somebody who's just by your side on just that moment you need it.
The guys of the bar were also very sweet and smiling to me all the time and when I came home I immediately searched my PIN to call back my good friend, He told me he thought I might have had an accident. Because we just had a conversation and he knew I was walking outside and suddenly the connection was broken.
He was worried because he noticed that my phone was not accessible anymore and because I was a bit sad, he thought somethings bad happened... So he called the cafe where I was playing and the bar girl said: "She's right here and making nice music" and then he heard me singing by phone.
So that was once again a special event in my life and next event will be on July !rst, I will play on a market in Amsterdam... Now I feel so much stronger, because I feel I can do gigs all by myself. So I decided to go busking this summer. And I am playing Sandy Denny songs again. I will go to Avignon and Perpignan, all by myself. Keep in touch!
It was really hard last weekend... sometimes I suffer from a Crazy Man Michael-disease, what means that I am sometimes very obsessed and I can't get out of my obsessed thoughts and emotions. It's bringing me to a low level of conciousness, I have sometimes a great fear of being abandoned, and that fear makes me crazy sometimes. (btw, the song Crazy Man Michael is written by Richard Thompson/ Fairport Convention, one of the greatest songs I know)
I had this gig at a nice place, pretty famous in Amsterdam, small bar, people go there eat and drink before they go to a show. I had to play there all by myself and it was a long time ago I did this. I felt really insecure and had a bad stomach.
I called my best friend to support me but then I lost contact because I have a new phone and during the conversation I accidentally disconnected. I forgot my new PIN so I could not call him back.
I was sitting alone at a table and I was searching in my little bag for a small piece of paper with my fucking pin on it, but couldnt find it. I felt a bit... desperate.... but then.... I let it all go. I thought: okay, I'm going to play my songs and I will do my best although I feel very lonesome right now.
And when I looked up , a friendly man came sitting next to me. He smiled and said, "I'm coming especialy for you."
And that was my mercy.
He was a man who is a barkeeper from a big cafe in Amsterdam and I recognized his face because I played there a few times last year. We talked a bit and he stayed and listened to my songs. We talked again when I took a short break, and it was really nice and he was very relaxed.
After the gig he informed me that I could perform somewhere and I really thought : wow this I'd never expected. Sometimes you feel miserable and you give up every effort to try to make it better and then suddenly there is somebody who's just by your side on just that moment you need it.
The guys of the bar were also very sweet and smiling to me all the time and when I came home I immediately searched my PIN to call back my good friend, He told me he thought I might have had an accident. Because we just had a conversation and he knew I was walking outside and suddenly the connection was broken.
He was worried because he noticed that my phone was not accessible anymore and because I was a bit sad, he thought somethings bad happened... So he called the cafe where I was playing and the bar girl said: "She's right here and making nice music" and then he heard me singing by phone.
So that was once again a special event in my life and next event will be on July !rst, I will play on a market in Amsterdam... Now I feel so much stronger, because I feel I can do gigs all by myself. So I decided to go busking this summer. And I am playing Sandy Denny songs again. I will go to Avignon and Perpignan, all by myself. Keep in touch!
zondag 11 juni 2017
Er gaat niets boven Groningen
Er gaat niets boven Grunnen! Ik heb er twintig jaar van mn leven doorgebracht, en altijd fijn om weer even terug te zijn.
Ik logeerde bij Manuel, een goede vriend en gitarist die vroeger in mijn bandje Scarlett speelde.
Afgelopen weekend was ik op Schiermonnikoog om te flyeren voor het SchierSong Festival en dit heb ik gecombineerd met een optreden in Groningen. Met Mario speelde ik afgelopen weekend in de Ierse pub aan het Kattendiep. Vroeger had ik er ook wel eens gespeeld, in de stampvolle bovenkamer. Daar werden toen live-opnames gemaakt.
Deze keer was het helaas niet zo druk. Het was prachtig weer en de mensen zaten buiten op het terras. Mario en ik besloten toch te spelen omdat wij een tijd niet gerepeteerd hadden. Peter, de eigenaar, vond het okay als wij een openbare repetitie deden in het café. Gelukkig waren er toch nog wat mensen die binnenkwamen en ook bleven luisteren. Buiten waren we goed te horen, hoorden we achteraf, en dat werd gewaardeerd. Alsnog hebben we gewoon anderhalf uur achter elkaar doorgespeeld! We hadden dat toch even nodig na mijn keelontsteking!
Daarna waren we goed ingespeeld voor het optreden diezelfde avond in cafe'De Singelier.
Ook daar waren niet veel mensen aanwezig, maar de mensen die er waren maakten de avond voor ons erg gezellig waardoor ik er met een goed gevoel op terug kan kijken. We hebben ook lekker gespeeld. Kerwin, de man van het Groninger Songwriter Circle en voor mij bekend als songwriter op Schiermonnikoog, kondigde ons aan en we speelden ongeveer drie kwartier.
Jazeker, het is fijn om in Groningen te zijn!
Met dank aan Peter Kelly van de Ierse Pub, het Groninger Songwriter Circle, Manuel en Cindy en mijn trouwe fan Dana! En natuurlijk het publiek dat enthousiast liet horen onze muziek te waarderen :)))
Ik logeerde bij Manuel, een goede vriend en gitarist die vroeger in mijn bandje Scarlett speelde.
Afgelopen weekend was ik op Schiermonnikoog om te flyeren voor het SchierSong Festival en dit heb ik gecombineerd met een optreden in Groningen. Met Mario speelde ik afgelopen weekend in de Ierse pub aan het Kattendiep. Vroeger had ik er ook wel eens gespeeld, in de stampvolle bovenkamer. Daar werden toen live-opnames gemaakt.

Daarna waren we goed ingespeeld voor het optreden diezelfde avond in cafe'De Singelier.
Ook daar waren niet veel mensen aanwezig, maar de mensen die er waren maakten de avond voor ons erg gezellig waardoor ik er met een goed gevoel op terug kan kijken. We hebben ook lekker gespeeld. Kerwin, de man van het Groninger Songwriter Circle en voor mij bekend als songwriter op Schiermonnikoog, kondigde ons aan en we speelden ongeveer drie kwartier.
Jazeker, het is fijn om in Groningen te zijn!
Met dank aan Peter Kelly van de Ierse Pub, het Groninger Songwriter Circle, Manuel en Cindy en mijn trouwe fan Dana! En natuurlijk het publiek dat enthousiast liet horen onze muziek te waarderen :)))
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terras Ierse Pub Groningen |
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Kerwin Pauptit |
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Manuel en Cindy |
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Even nakletsen |
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Dana and friends |
dinsdag 16 mei 2017
Bloesem Festival Podium Duycker
April, 30 We were asked to play at this special festival in Nieuw Vennep. It was organized by Podium Duycker. So on this sunny Sunday we took a train at 10 AM and arrived round 11 AM at this beautiful place. We played twice a set and we had a good time with other musicians and some organizers. I just got these pictures by mail and I really like them :)
vrijdag 28 april 2017
Birthday party!
Last week I celebrated my birthday. It was a very nice event because some musicians came to my house to make some great music. I really enjoyed the night. Some people gave me some special surprises, one of them ( André Homan) made a little book with a lot of pictures he took of SWAN
He called the book SWAN ONE.
The book got lots of pictures of musicians from Amsterdam or other parts of Holland.
André took also some pictures of my birthday party.
I would like to thank so many people and i hope we'll meet soon again... :))
a week ago the kids celebrated my birthday in the classroom. I was surprised, didn't know they had organised a party. So no lessons that day...
At the end of the party some friends stayed a little longer and I told them I would like to try out some new songs. So Mario and I played together and Francesco played with us. Live recorded by Bayla Moon! Enjoy!
He called the book SWAN ONE.
The book got lots of pictures of musicians from Amsterdam or other parts of Holland.
André took also some pictures of my birthday party.
I would like to thank so many people and i hope we'll meet soon again... :))
a week ago the kids celebrated my birthday in the classroom. I was surprised, didn't know they had organised a party. So no lessons that day...
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rechts met camera: Andre Homan |
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Paul, Huib en Bayla |
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Jan en Richard |
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Dzuana en Annette |
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Roelie |
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met Annika |
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met Huib |
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Niek, Aad en Mario |
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Links Frank Boske |
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Dzuana en Jaap |
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Willem Teunissen |
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best koud buiten... |
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playing with Francesco |
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Paul Pleijsier op gitaar |
At the end of the party some friends stayed a little longer and I told them I would like to try out some new songs. So Mario and I played together and Francesco played with us. Live recorded by Bayla Moon! Enjoy!
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