zondag 10 mei 2015

Dodenherdenking 2015 and short trip to Berlin

In the Netherlands, on May 4 there is a national commemoration of the victims of World War II. For this commemoration I translated the song Donna Donna into Dutch and sang it on the  memorial.This was a special experience. Four students from St. Lidwina School sang along with me, and Eline Schrama played on violin.
At May 5 in Holland we celebrate the liberation of the German, but this year I went that day to Berlin. The last time I visited Berlin was thirty years ago, and at that time the wall was still there. When I was there I felt very depressed, but this year Berlin seemed to be a great and interesting city.
 I was looking for the wall and found some of it, and i was so happy this time, Berlin became a great city! 

So a few days ago I listened to some musicians and one of them talked to the audience about the Holocaust. I also listened to an old Jewish woman who sang a great song.

Unfortunality I didn't record her, jus 10 seconds you can see this jewish woman

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