maandag 5 maart 2018

STUCK in Dublin!

Well, we couldn't get away.... all flights were cancelled because of the BEAST of the EAST...
We were in a queue for almost 6 hours at Dublin Airport on Wednesday Februari 28th and finally we couldn't get away till Saturdaynight March 3rd

It was no big deal. We love Dublin, we love the people, the music. The storm was heavy, but we stayed at the Abraham hostel and it was warm and cosey upthere.

I played in the street again, my fingers were frozen. Yes, it was so cold that i couldn't feel my fingers anymore, i had to be more carefull, but people liked what I was doing and it was worth it.

Annika sang a song in The Celt, she did that very well!

So I am home again, had a great time, really, thank you Dublin! 

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