Dear people, Today I take it easy, have the flu, but I went for a cup of coffee at Noderstraun on Schiermonnikoog. I do this every morning, I stare at the sea and look at my smartphone for at least an hour. I am with my daughters at Schiermonnikoog and enjoy the peace. Yesterday, Christmas Day, I was alone because my daughters were with their father and I used the whole day to write my new song. What a delivery.
I have a memory of my mother who is ironing and trying to swallow her tears because I came in the room. I was about eight years old. I was very worried about her. She waited for my father all night. I will never forget that image of my sad mother, I felt so powerless. I stood there and could not do anything. When I processed this memory in my new song, I could not continue writing. Some experiences seem so meaningless but can have a huge impact on a child. But the song is finished and now I have to practice it and learn it by head. When my daughters came home, they asked me to get some food from the little store nextdoor. I didn't mind going, and after all I got this big surprise from the island of Schiermonnikoog: I suddenly saw a huge orange moon in the dark! It was just for a moment because there were clouds. I felt so happy by this present, I got really excited. I ran home and took some pictures.
After this it was a good idea to go to bed and sleep. :) Friday I travel to Groningen, where I will perform with Mario in the Pub of Klaas. I am really looking forward to it. Saturday we will play in The Irish Pub in Groningen. I wish you all a merry Christmas!
After many years I just flew into playing some old covers. I just play it very simple and I really enjoy it! Hope you like my coverlist, too.
I will sing this songs in the street... somewhere in Europe.... but you can also book me, just send an email to YOUTUBE COVER LIST
I just uploaded this one, one of the first songs I sang with a bassplayer who asked me to.
(Dutch translation below)
In August I traveled to the USA with my two daughters and Mario. My Americain friend Jo lives there and she asked me to come over. First I did not feel like it. I am very afraid to fly. But I felt that it was important to go there and meet my friend again after so many years. I met Jo when I was 18 years old and at that time I traveled in Europe with my backpack and guitar. I made enough money by busking. I met her in Venice. We have traveled together for a year and had a lot of adventures. I didn't see her for 18 years and so it was really time to visit her! We prepared our trip very well; Jo bought us the bass and guitar and the amps and picked us up at the airport in New York. With te five of us we 've been traveling for three weeks!
I am so glad that I made this trip! It was a beautiful and musical road trip.
We have traveled from New York via Baltimore, Smokey Mountains, Nashville, and Memphis to Fayetteville (Arkansas). And I want to thank all those people who had us and listened to our music. Especcially the homeless man who gave us a little ticket for a free laundry after he listened to our music for a while. We had gigs at several bars and we played in the streets. It was great!
Below is a link from a video that was made in BlueBird Café Nashville.I hope you enjoy the vid!
The other vid shows our roadmovie in 13 minutes.
In augustus vertrok ik naar de USA met mijn twee dochters en Mario. Mijn vriendin Jo woont daar en zij vroeg mij al jaren te komen. Ik had er niet zoveel zin in, de USA is een land wat mij niet aantrok. Maar ik voelde dat het belangrijk werd om daar toch naar toe te gaan. Mijn vriendin Jo ontmoette ik toen ik 18 jaar was en door Europa reisde met mijn rugzak en gitaar. Ik kwam haar tegen in Venetie. We hebben een jaar samen gereisd en het was 18 jaar geleden dat ik haar voor het laatst gezien had.
Ik ben zo blij dat ik deze reis gemaakt heb! Het werd een mooie en muzikale roadtrip.
we hebben gereisd van New York via Baltimore, Smokey Mountains, Nashville, en Memphis naar Fayetteville (Arkansas).
Hierboven een link van een video die ik gemaakt heb.
The husband of a good friend of mine died suddenly from a cardiac
arrest last year. My friend lives with her family in Jerusalem and I decided to
visit her as soon as I could. I booked a plane and so I flew totally unprepared
to Israel.
As a young girl, I deliberately chose not to deepen myself
into politics. I have not watched the news for years and I read newspapers
every now and then superficially. You may find that strange, but I have enough
trouble with myself. I think it is better for my personality to focus on my
immediate environment. I am a teacher at
a primary school. There I deal with 25 children and their parents every day. I
want to take good care of that.For my
own sake is that enough work.
In addition, I am a musician and I write songs.
That's why I planned to sing in the streets of Jerusalem, my
friend had told me that it’s not unusual there. And the only thing I was worried about was:” oh, I hope there will
beno attack committed by a Palestinian
or something like that...”. The combination Palestinian / terrorist / attack I
had caught from the media ... However, I got a laryngitis. So making music was
not possible. And so my friend invited me to come with her and see and understand more of the country.
So she took me to the beach in Tel Aviv and she took me to the
West Bank. At first I thought I saw sound barriers around me, I know, very
naive, even though I had heard something about checkpoints. I did not know what
that was, checkpoints. I had seen strange movies on youtube. About soldiers who
intimidate children. They stopped
children who wanted to go to school Very
strange vids, why do ten big soldiers surround a single child of barely 10
Very slowly I started to see what I just did not see at
first. It is fun in Jerusalem, it feels safe. Yes, there are many soldiers,
young people, women, men. Sometimes still almost children. As a woman I dare to walk
alone on the street late at night. What a wonderful city.
But then I went through a checkpoint towards Bethlehem. And
I saw more and more fences, barbed wire, people who were stopped. Soldiers
laughing, playing with people. And I heard stories.
Suddenly saw two types of buses. The Jewish and Arab. I
drove over roads that are not indicated in Google maps ...
If you do not know you do not see it. If you see something
happening , you do not really see it because you can not believe it, you cannot
hande it yet. But if you are always
pointed out and you feel that something strange is going on, you are gradually
seeing more. Piece by piece. And that is a very weird inner experience.
I do not want to take a position. I am not against or for
Palestinians or Jews. The story is nuanced. It has to do with identity. But I
always take it for the oppressed. The unjust. And that's what I've seen there.
There is something very serious going on there and in a very strange way and the whole world knows. I do not want to watch
a journal, I do not want to read newspapers. Since I have been home from Israel
I have read a lot about the situation, I
talked to people with differents point of views.
I get a headache. The bickering, the opinions, choosing for one or another. I can no longer
be a spectator if I have experienced injustice. In person. I have enormous
respect for my friend who, in her own personal way, makes connections between
Jewish people and Palestinians. She makes that they get to know each other as
human beings. She shows that they do not have to be afraid of each other. That
there is a possibility to live together. There IS a possibility!
How special and wonderfull Jerusalem would be if human
beings couldlive and celebrate their
lifes together !? What a great example
for the world that would be!
I also have a lot of
respect for the way my friend processes her own personal loss. She lost her
husband. She has two growing children.
I need time to process what I have seen and experienced in
Israel in a short time. I want to thank my friend for what she has given me.
And I want people to grow
up and understand.
I wrote a song. It is called: Stones in the desert.
De man van een goede vriendin van mij overleed vorig jaar
plotseling aan een hartstilstand. Mijn vriendin woont met haar gezin in
Jeruzalem en ik besloot naar haar toe te gaan. Ik boekte de reis enzo vloog ik totaal onvoorbereid naar Israël.
Ik heb er als jong meisje bewust voor gekozen om me niet in
politiek te verdiepen. Het journaal kijk ik al jaren niet meer en kranten lees
ik zo nu en dan oppervlakkig.Dat mag je
raar vinden maar ik heb genoeg gedoe met mezelf. Ik vind het voor mijn
persoonlijkheid beter om me te richten op mijn directe omgeving waar ik
mogelijk iets voor zou kunnen betekenen. Neem mijn werk als leerkracht op een
basisschool. Daar heb ik dagelijks te maken met 25 kinderen en hun ouders. Daar wil ik graag goed voor zorgen.
Daarnaast ben ik muzikant en schrijf ik liedjes.
Daarom was ik van plan om in Jeruzalem op straat te spelen,
mijn vriendin had me laten weten dat dat daar heel goed mogelijk is. Het enige
wat ik dacht was: oh, als er maar geen aanslag op mij gepleegd wordt door een
Palestijn ofzo. Want combinatie Palestijn/ terrorist/ aanslag had ik wel
opgevangen uit de media... Echter, ik kreeg een keelontsteking. Dus muziek
maken zat er niet in. Mijn vriendin nodigde me uit wat meer van het land te
zien en te begrijpen.
Zo nam ze me mee naar het strand in Tel Aviv en de West
Bank. Eerst dacht ik nog dat ik geluidswallen om me heen zag, ondanks dat ik
iets gehoord had over checkpoints. Ik wist niet zo goed wat dat was, checkpoints.
Ik had wel vreemde filmpjes gezien op youtube. Over soldaten die kinderen
tegenhouden om naar school te gaan. Heel vreemde filmpjes, waarom omsingelen
tien soldaten één enkel kind van nauwelijks 10 jaar?
Heel langzaam ging ik zien wat ik eerst gewoon niet zag. Het
is leuk in Jeruzalem, het voelt veilig. Ja, er zijn veel soldaten, jonge
mensen, vrouwen, mannen. Soms nog bijna kinderen. Ik durf er als vrouw ’s
avonds laat alleen over straat. Wat een heerlijke stad.
Maar toen ging ik door een checkpoint richting Bethlehem. En
ik zag steeds meer hekken, prikkeldraad, mensen die tegengehouden werden. En
hoorde verhalen.
Zag ineens twee soorten bussen. De Joodse en Arabische. Reed
over wegen die niet aangegeven worden in Google maps...
Als je iets niet weet zie je het niet. Als je iets hoort,
zie je het niet omdat je het niet kan geloven. Maar als je er steeds op gewezen
wordt en je voelt dat er iets vreemds gaande is dan ga je langzamerhand meer
zien. Stukje bij beetje. En dat is een hele rare innerlijke ervaring.
Ik wil geen standpunt innemen. Ik ben niet tegen of voor
Palestijnen of Joden. Het verhaal ligt genuanceerd. Het heeft met identiteit te
maken. Maar ik neem het altijd op voor de onderdrukten. Het onrechtvaardige. En
dat is wat ik daar gezien heb. Er is iets heel ernstigs daar gaande en op een
hele vreemde manier weet de hele wereld het en kijkt iedereen toe. Ik wil geen
journaal kijken , ik wil geen kranten lezen. Sinds ik thuis ben heb ik toch
eens een kijkje genomen en zie ik hoe eenzijdig de informatie doorgegeven
Ik krijg er hoofdpijn van. Het geruzie, de meningen, het
partij kiezen. Maar ik kan geen toeschouwer meer zijn als ik onrecht ervaren
heb. Persoonlijk.Ik heb enorm respect
voor mijn vriendin die op haar eigen persoonlijke manier verbindingen legt
tussen Joodse mensen en Palestijnen. Dat zij elkaar leren kennen als ménsen.
Dat zij niet bang voor elkaar hoeven te zijn. Dat er een mogelijkheid bestaat
om samen te leven. Die mogelijkheid IS er! Wat zou het Jeruzalem bijzonder
maken als er in deze stad samengeleefd en gefeest kan worden. Wat een groot
voorbeeld voor de wereld zou dat zijn! Ontzettend veel respect heb ik ook voor
de manier waarop mijn vriendin haar eigen persoonlijk verlies verwerkt. Zij is
haar geliefde verloren. Zij heeft twee opgroeiende kinderen.
Ik heb tijd nodig om te verwerken wat ik in korte tijd in Israël gezien en
ervaren heb. Ik wil mijn vriendin enorm bedanken voor wat zij mij gegeven
En ik wil de onderdrukten een hart onder de riem steken.
Ik heb er een lied over geschreven. Het heet: Stones in de
When I met Marianne, the owner of café Zamen , I suddenly was stung by a wasp on my throat. That was quite painful but she did not hesitate and tried to suck the sting out. That was quit weird, but afterwards we both had to laugh about it. Every week Mario and I visited café Zamen to drink coffee latte and one day she asked if we wanted to rehearse our music at her place. She had heard our music and she said she liked to listen while she was cleaning up the place, early in the morning.
We think so too! And so it happened.
Every Saturday from 10 am we try out our songs, and we meet people who come over to have breakfast, early lunch or drink tea or coffee. So you, early bird, you are very welcome!
Expocafé Zamen click here: EXPO CAFE ZAMEN
Lately we sometimes play in a shop. This was in the beginning a little bit weird, but now we think it's a nice thing to do. Managed by a good bookingsoffice and meeting nice people! If we play close to the door, people from the street come over and listen. That's nice :) Feels like busking.
Well, we couldn't get away.... all flights were cancelled because of the BEAST of the EAST...
We were in a queue for almost 6 hours at Dublin Airport on Wednesday Februari 28th and finally we couldn't get away till Saturdaynight March 3rd
It was no big deal. We love Dublin, we love the people, the music. The storm was heavy, but we stayed at the Abraham hostel and it was warm and cosey upthere.
I played in the street again, my fingers were frozen. Yes, it was so cold that i couldn't feel my fingers anymore, i had to be more carefull, but people liked what I was doing and it was worth it.
Annika sang a song in The Celt, she did that very well!
So I am home again, had a great time, really, thank you Dublin!
So here i am and my two beauty ful daughters are with me, having a great time in this nice city which is full of pubs and live music.
Its cold outside so its a bit hard to busk, still its allright. I found just one small alley, not much people but good enough for me. The Grafton Street is really to wide, most buskers got amplifiers.
I bought this guitarelele, have to get used to IT a lot, its tuned in A, so i need to play other chords.
Last night i went to Bleeding Horse, i was surprised how cosey and relaxed this famous
pub is. Played two songs of my own there.
Hi guys,
I am happy to tell you that I will take my two beautiful daughters to Dublin at the end of this month!
We are planning to busk but I am not sure how to take a guitar in the plane, I hear many bad stories about flying with a guitar. I have to think about it, but I will find a way out.
For sure I will play right here: Sunday February 25th I will play at the Appollo sessions in The Bleeding Horse/Bleeding Horse, Camden Street, Dublin 2 /
Monday 26th at the : International Bar in DUBLIN/ Ireland
At daytime you can find me as a busker somehow, somewhere in Dublin...
And other great news: Mario and I will record another CD! I have written so many new songs last year, so we decided that we will record our music in April.
So we will not perform so much these month, but if you wanna know where we play, take a look at my website
If I got more news about my trip to Dublin, I will let you know as soon as possible!
See you! X
Hi folks,
Here I am again and I wish you a happy new year!
Last year was for me a very busy year. I have been playing a lot, mostly together with Mario.
In Summer 2015 me and the father of our daughters decided to break up our relationship after we've been together more then 20 years.A divorce is always drastic, even if we have decided this together. It brought me a lot of pain and sometimes I still find it difficult to be on my own again.
It helped me to write some songs about this divorcion, like BLUE RAIN and CHANGED
In January 2017 I started a new relationship. Of course I had known Mario much longer, but it took me a year to realize that I had fallen in love with him as much as he was in love with me.
A difficult aspect of my life is that I suffer from an anxiety disorder and so I got sometimes panic attacks. I really thought that I was recovered from this kind of emotions, but since I started a new love affair it's sometimes really hard to handle myself. Anyways, when I play a lot of music then everything seems to be allright. Music makes me feel alive!
Last summer I organized SchierSong Festival and I already started to programme a new Festival for this year!
Last year I played almost every weekend and still we are doing well.
A new event is that my youngest daughter ANNIKA started to like singing again! So we do some Adele and Ed Sheeran covers together and sometimes she performes with me.
Also new is that I will start a course at the Conservatorium of Amsterdam. I will learn again a lot about teaching music. I used to study music in Groningen, but this is a very long time ago, so I am happy that I have been admitted after my audition.
The best thing what happened to me last year is that I started to busk again! This was very good for my self confidence! I sort of found back an old identity of mine. Just sitting in the streets and singing. Meeting all kind of people.
We did a whole lot of Performancestraat everywhere in the Bergerlands, one of Them you van watch here
As you maybe know I have been living in Groningen for half of my life. It's always a great pleasure to go back there and have some musical perfomances. That's what I did in the last week of 2017.
We played in the Irish Pub and the Kroeg van Klaas and had a really nice time with the locals!
Kroeg van Klaas - Groningen
Irish Pub (Kattendiep) Groningen
Last but not least, I still organize SWAN, songwriters AmsterdamNoord, ( SWAN ) and so, if you are interested to play there, send me an email!
I almost forgot one thing, I have been interviewd by this Dutch radio man, but it's not really about music, its about life... a vision on life, a philosophy. I could not watch it myself, that's really too much for me, and the interview is way to long, but still, you can find it right here if you are curious. Anne Vogy
So for the new year, I wish everybody as much as happiness as possible, even if times are hard.
Love and Hugs,
Annette live at Café langereis