dinsdag 5 januari 2016

Happy New Year!

Hi folks,

It's already a few days ago I had a really good time with Mario and my loyal friends and fans!
First we went to Castricum and played there in the house of Frank Boske. We had this little New Years party up there and there were also some other great songwriters. You can go to the site of SWAN for some photo's. (Link below).
Then the next day Mario and I rehearsed very early in the morning, because we had a gig in the night and didn't have much time to rehearse last week. So we rehearsed without coffee! Two hours without a break and then we had some coffee at the tennisgarden nearby. Then I went to my family to have a lunch and then I took my bike to go to the centre of Amsterdam. I played there some of my songs in café The Waterhole; there is an open mic, organized by my friend Dzuana Bakker. She and her husband always give the songwriters a very good sound.

With my best friend Gianni we had some dinner together and then we went together to café De Doelen in the centre of Amsterdam.
I didn't think anybody was there, because on facebook I made an event and there were 18 friends interested but only me was going ... But guess what, it was very busy and my really loyal fans and friends showed up! I was very happy and I think Mario and I played a very good set that night.

I hardly didn't sleep that night because i was still excited and I had to get up early. I had to go to school again, like everybody here in Holland. Is always a little bit difficult to get up early after two weeks holidays....;)
Anyway, right now I am at home spending my time with my family, having a good time together in these dark days, I wish everybody much love and happiness in the New Year and especially those who just lost somebody they loved so much.

Here you can find the link for SWAN @Castricum: 

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